Sunday 15 December 2013

Jess meets the girls

A bit of a grey day at Gedling Pit

Jess is told she is just a 1 year old and had better behave herself

It is not the first time Hazel has had a pup to settle into the group

Freddie is wise to stay out of it!

Pippa is quite motherly and Jess has accepted Jess

Hazel is like a slightly severe aunt

Pippa and Hazel know the score

Freddie is pretending he has more important things to worry about

Jess looking like a puppy

Hazel is sporting (a slightly ill-fitting) new jacket

A 'Captain Mannering' role

Jess had better be careful or she will get barked at

Pippa backing Hazel up

Jess enjoying every minute of it!

Don't diss the little dog wearing the coat!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Alfie came up from Dorset to catch up with old friends

Catching up with Millie

Pretending he is actually sensible these days

Lovely dogs in a lovely setting (the grounds at Bestwood Lodge)

A carrion crow eating a sweet chestnut

Millie milling around

Millie showing Alfie what sensible actually looks like

Lily coming back - but only if she feels like it!

Daisy recognizing the dog who used to try to annoy her

Alfie is in agreement with me Lily is a very funny girl :-)

A bit of a grey day at the pit.

Lily making a face!

Alfred being a stalker

Daisy pining for the hills (or more accurately pheasants)

Not allowed to run off :-(

Sunshine following Lily and Belle

Lily wondering what is so great about sticks

Being open minded and giving it a go

Belle considering the stick and why Lily is so interested in it

No it is not interesting!

It is a stick.

Daisy wearing her camoflage

Belle Magnifico!

Lily doing her impression of a cartoon pug

Belle's body-builder pose?

Buzzard's up there