Saturday 14 December 2013

Big Dog Business

More than enough big dogs

The reason for the jacket

Here he comes!

There he goes!

The water feature

A geometric Ebi

Funny running dog

Funny dog running

Enzo being dignified and in control

Pippa all over Enzo as usual

Girls like tigers

or cheetahs or something

King Lion?

Enzo playing with the girls

Timmy prancing about

Lovely November light

Enzo getting arty

Ebi being angular

Barking from the hill top

(having detected other dogs in the woods below)

Enzo showing signs of excitement!

Ebi on lookout

Timmy having a lark about, and Pippa not finding it so funny.

Chasing swans?  No I don't think so!

The sun going down after another fab walk at Gedling.

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