Saturday 1 February 2014

Glorious Mud !?!

Ebi, you can run but you cannot hide!

Old Swampy

Mud in all directions

The hill up to the aerodrome at Lambley

Enzo getting us all in trouble with trespass..

but at least he generally comes back!

High velocity Alfred at 2 o'clock

Modern dance and drama by Millie

Very expressive and modern for a dog :-)

Enzo taking a break from the wimin.

Treat them mean keep them keen?

What lovely eyes Alfred and Pippa have.

Enzo getting us in trouble again - at the end of the airstrip.

A large amount of dog achieves take off :-P

Same ole rucking and barking routine

Disruption arrives!

Ebi keeping on keeping on.

A very clean, blonde dog arriving at Ploughmans Wood.

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