Friday 4 April 2014

Rain at the start of 2014. Archie and Lucy, and Dexter and Monty - captured in action on the mobile phone camera

Gedling Pit.  Daisy in the pond

Alfred in the pond

Lucy meets another playful girlie! 

Millie drying her ears out

A damp landscape seen from Colwick Woods

Moody skies but happy spaniels (Dexter and Monty)

Sleet and hail stone proof jackets!

A window in the weather at Ploughman Wood

Archie and Lucy pondering rabbits. 

Enzo pretending he is a big scary rabbit.

Archie and Lucy pondering Enzo.

The other side of Ploughman Wood 

Rainy days and daffodils 

Ash cut for the timber yard.

Beullah on heat!

Hazel having a word.

Good clean fun resumes. 

Checking for things living in the timber stack 

Uh oh Enzo discovered Beullah again.

Belle hiding in the daffodils

Damp Daisy

Dashing damp Daisy

A day at Colwick Woods

Milling about

A bit of a cloudy and grey day

Monty and Dexter

Archie and Lucy

Dexter demonstrating how to be still.

A cold and rainy day at Gedling Pit

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