Friday 4 April 2014

Spring sunshine, sweet grass and a predominance of lovely girls. All very lovely!

This is what bliss looks like

Business like and purposefull as ever!

Monty takes a shine to Timmy

Millie's lovely smile 

Happy little brain ticking over.

Pug smile

Jack Russell smile

Timmy and Archie smiles

Patch has a great idea

Always the same idea!

This is why she is on a lead :-P

The rest of us waiting for Patch

Belle taking it all in

Patch considers it all to quite satisfactory

Timmy showing how boy dogs can chew bigger sticks

Pippa's mothering skills

Beullah pioneers a new cute style of creative play

Should've brought a picnic!

Monty thinks the fresh grass is ever so luxurious :-)

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